
Fundraising appeal: cost of living

Person calculating bill payment

Hackney Giving & LBH Cost of Living programme

The increased cost of living is a problem for many people living in Hackney. We are inviting applications from not-for-profit groups working to support people with the cost of living in the second half of 2023.

Funding will be awarded for work towards the following outcome:

  • Reducing the impact of the rising cost of living on people living in Hackney.

For full details and eligibility criteria, please download the programme guidance.

A plain text version of the application form that is compatible with screen readers is available on request.

The deadline for applications is 11am, 20 June 2023.

Support with your application

There will be three “how to apply” workshops. These workshops offer you the chance to hear a bit more about the funding as well as how to complete the application form.

To book a place, please use the links below:

In addition, one to one support is available via the Hackney CVS Organisational Development team to help you with your application. You can contact them to discuss your project idea and how to start your application or if you have a draft application they can provide feedback. Book a one to one appointment.

If you have any questions about this funding round, please contact Zelina on

The increased cost of living in the UK is making headlines. For many people living in Hackney, higher utility bills and fuel costs will mean the difference between making ends meet and no longer being able to afford essential items. For those who were already financially vulnerable, price increases will make things worse.

“Money is tight, times are hard” –
service user of a previous food project funded by Hackney Giving

At Hackney Giving, we are appealing to individuals and businesses who are able to give, so that together, we can make things better for our neighbours.

Hackney Giving will be offering grants to small, not-for-profit organisations so that they can support individuals with food and other necessities, contribute towards gas and/or electricity bill payments or provide meals in a community setting.

We will also invite applications from before or after-school clubs or holiday clubs, meaning that parents or carers can take additional paid work. We’d also like to support services which help people to save money by redistributing and reusing goods.

We can only make these grants if we have the funds available. We need your help so that we can support vital projects helping Hackney residents.

The Hackney Giving Cost of Living appeal is open: please donate now.

If you are a business and would like to give, please contact Matt.

If you are a Hackney organisation looking for funding to support your community, please go to the Apply page

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