Calling businesses and community groups to join Match My Project
Match My Project is an online platform where businesses can donate items needed by community groups.
We are inviting businesses and community groups to join Match My Project. This online platform is a way for community groups to post requests and for businesses to browse to see if they can meet them.
Hear about our work and meet three of the groups supporting communities locally in our new film. Click the arrow to watch.
Number of
grants given
Total value
Number of VCS
groups funded
project matches
Since April 2020, Hackney Giving has funded 170 community organisations in Hackney and the City of London, via 362 grants, worth more than £2.7 million. We have distributed funds from businesses, individuals and the public sector.
The programme has a positive impact locally, bringing benefits to communities across Hackney and the City of London.
Working for a fairer society
Match My Project is an online platform where businesses can donate items needed by community groups.
New scheme supports community groups with resources from businesses. Last week, Hackney Giving launched a collaboration with Match My Project – and we are inviting community groups and businesses to join the platform.
Hackney Giving video premiered at event. Watch the video to find out more about the value of the not-for-profit sector.
This week we invited local businesses to come together for an evening of wine, nibbles and lively discussion. Businesses big and small were welcome.
We are pleased to announce that Match My Project is launching with Hackney Giving on Thursday 28 November 2024.
Invitation to Businesses in Hackney and the City. We’re inviting businesses to come together for an evening of wine, nibbles and lively discussion.