Giving money is really easy – just go to our JustGiving page where you can donate directly on a one-off or regular basis. We welcome all donations of money, whether big or small – no contribution is too small to make a difference.
Are you celebrating a big birthday and feel that you already have everything you need? Are you running Hackney Half Marathon and looking for a charity to support? Or maybe it’s your retirement and colleagues want to wish you well with donations in your name. We’d be delighted to be your nominated charity. You can set up a fundraising page safe in the knowledge that funding you raise for Hackney Giving will support the borough’s grassroots charities and community groups in their work.
Alternatively, if you’d like to raise funds via offline events, please contact us for details of how you can transfer a donation to Hackney Giving.
From time to time, we have opportunities to volunteer directly with Hackney Giving. We publish calls for involvement on our social media, so please do look out for them. Other volunteering opportunities in Hackney, including many within the voluntary and community partners we fund, can be accessed via Volunteer Centre Hackney.