Andy is passionate about the role that intergenerational relationships play in developing young people and adults and has benefitted hugely from them throughout his life. He has been a Scout for over 30 years and credits the support and friendship of many adults through Scouting in helping him to get started in life and his career. He has also seen the impact of ageing on his grandparents, and the key role that young people can play in improving the lives of those suffering from dementia. 

Andy has over 15 years’ experience as a charity leader, most recently as chief executive of Heart of the City. His experience includes supporting charities to operate and function more effectively, brokering business support into charities and advising on the development of cross-sector partnerships.  He has authored research reports on the needs of charities in relation to corporate volunteering and guides on developing local needs-led cross-sector partnerships. Andy has also been a member of Government advisory boards on communities policy and volunteering.

Andy has been a trustee for a number of charities since 2012, which has given him the opportunity to learn from effective chairs of trustees which he brings to this role as Chair of Trustees for Brighter Together.

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