End of year message

  End of year message   Dear supporter,   Hackney Giving would like to wish all our colleagues and supporters a well-deserved festive break after another busy year. Thank you to the groups who have been working at a grassroots

£151k funding boost for community groups supporting residen

£151k funding boost for community groups supporting residents with cost of living Hackney Giving has distributed over £151,000 in funding from the Cost of Living grants scheme. In total, 30 Hackney organisations have been allocated just over £5,000 each. This

Black History Season in Hackney

Black History Season Last week, Hackney Giving staff joined a Black History Season Open Afternoon at Hackney CVS.  The event provided a set of participatory activities that acknowledged the significant contributions of Black communities in Hackney.  Lunch was accompanied by

City Bridge Foundation’s support for Hackney Giving

City Bridge Foundation’s support for Hackney Giving  Hackney Giving has a number of funders and one of our longest supporters is City Bridge Foundation, who were formerly known as City Bridge Trust. The new name was chosen to bring together

Volunteers at a lunch club preparing food

Supporting residents over the summer and beyond

Supporting residents over the summer and beyond The increased cost of living is continuing to have an impact on Hackney’s communities and by working in partnership with the Council, we have been able to distribute a further £75,000 to help. This

A young woman leans over a table stacked with food items ready to be made into parcels and distributed.

Responding to the increased cost of living

Thanks to generous donations from businesses and individuals, Hackney Giving was able to make four grants this winter to help residents to deal with the increased cost of living. Funding from Hackney Giving contributed to the cost of Shepherdfold Ministry’s

Flowers laid next to information about the earthquake

Earthquake response: support local communities affected

Help Turkish, Kurdish and Syrian people in Hackney Many Turkish, Kurdish and Syrian people who live in Hackney have been directly affected by the recent earthquake. Your donation can support these communities as they come to terms with the effects

Cost of living

The cost of living in the UK is continuing to increase, and with it, financial difficulties for many people. Higher prices for goods and utility bills are hitting many people hard and meaning that some are going without essential items

A woman in a supermarket browses goods

Working with Hackney Council to tackle the cost of living

The rising cost of living is an increasing concern for people across the country. For many people living in Hackney, higher utility bills and fuel costs mean the difference between making ends meet and no longer being able to afford

Hackney Giving and Novicell logos

Business support for Hackney Giving: thank you Novicell

Our partnership with Novicell We’re excited that digital consultancy Novicell is helping us to understand and improve our digital engagement. Novicell approached Hackney Giving and offered to help because their staff team wants to make a positive impact in Hackney

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A group of people in Hackney Giving running shirts outside the Chesham Arms

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